White Rabbit launching smart contract browser plugin for video content payments


A team of seasoned filmmakers, distributors and software developers has announced White Rabbit, a blockchain-based smart contract solution that intends to improve the way we watch content, distribute it, pay and are paid for films and series.

As a browser plug-in, White Rabbit offers a completely new opportunity. It enables users to freely watch content on any open streaming service, pay a fee, which then goes directly to rights holder(s). One log-in, one payment system. There is revenue sharing with streaming services, creating a truly global and competitive market for streaming content.

The team will hold a contribution campaign starting November 27th to fund further development of White Rabbit, and is now actively holding a pre-contribution campaign road show. The details of the campaign will be announced in a short while.

The White Rabbit team outlined some basic challenges for the modern-day video content distribution:

  • Too few filmmakers make money from digital distribution.
  • Revenue lacks transparency and cash-flow immediacy.
  • We don’t distinguish between pirates and fans. Fans are forced to break the law to see their favorite film or series because they are not allowed to pay for content
  • There is less choice of films and series, as closed server subscription services/OTT produce more of their own content and buy less.
  • The digital distribution paradox: a lack of competition in global digital distribution slows UI innovation. Yet, more subscription services mean more logins and passwords for users.

White Rabbit aims to solve all these issues to the benefit of the film and series industry, including creatives, producers, distributors, and copyright holders, and on behalf of the fans, viewers, and users.

Alan R. Milligan: CEO and Founder Whiterabbit

Subscription-based OTT providers have yet to prove themselves as a sustainable business model. That is why they shifted strategy to produce their own content and must be regarded as modern-day studios. We are all in need of an open and competitive marketplace in distribution of films and series. With White Rabbit, we offer a global, sustainable, transparent and competitive digital distribution business model that will help combat piracy without having to intimidate our fans. Everyone wins, everyone is rewarded.”

Alan R. Milligan, CEO and founder of White Rabbit

About the Team

Alan R. Milligan: CEO and Founder. A film producer with best film awards from Cannes, Venice, and Goteborg. Entrepreneur of MCIS, industry standard for safe transportation of chemicals at sea. Holds MA in International Relations and International Business.

Hengameh Panahi: Artistic Director of Content & Partner. Owner and founder of Celluloid Dreams and Celluloid Nightmares. Sales agent for multiple Cannes, Berlin, Venice and Oscar winning films. The only person to win best film award at Cannes, Berlin, and Venice in the same year. A former partner of Mubi.com. Member of the Oscar Academy.

Adrian Hessel-Rütter: COO and Partner. Management & Psychology from St. Andrews. Several years as project manager integrating cloud-based services for corporate customers. Specialized in automation and workload optimization.

Jon Inge Buli: CFO and Partner. MSc in Finance. Has ten years of experience in Project Finance. Recommending capital investments on projects of $20M to 200M.

Alexander Yarushin: System Architect engaged in programming since 1996, a principal developer and system architect in various projects including production automation system for nuclear submarines, billing for mobile telecommunications, pharmaceutical distribution systems, and healthcare automation.

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