Art and collectibles platform ZenDao launching ICO on OpenLedger


ZenDao, a decentralized platform which addresses the current challenges related to the art and collectibles market, is launching their ICO today starting on June 26, 2017, 8 am GMT through OpenLedger.

Developed on the Metaverse Blockchain, ZenDao utilizes blockchain technology to create a digital representation of tangible collectibles on the blockchain and establish an unalterable digital provenance ledger and ownership transfer channel.

Within the art and collectibles market, there are persistent concerns and issues, such as the lack of reliable proof of provenance or history, market illiquidity, valuation methodology, and forgery risks. By tokenizing collectibles, the ZenDao platform will link physical assets with their digital representation on the blockchain to gain the advantages related to blockchain technology, such as security, transparency, speed and, ease of transacting.

ZenDao will provide real-time solutions to what were once complex problems, implementing innovative tools, such as the smart script secured trade (SSST) and unique authentication mechanism, ZenDao is committed to the protection of the collectibles’ life cycle, allowing for the provenance and history to speak for itself.

During the ICO campaign, the ZenDao Coin (ZDC), the fundamental unit and token of account on the ZenDao platform, representing the value of the entire network, will be distributed to the investors and early backers of the platform.

70% of the initial number of ZDCs on the platform will be allocated to the public through the ICO.

The closing date for the fundraising campaign is July 7th, 2017.

The price per ZDC and bonus system will be publicly available and published on the official webpage of ZenDao starting from the ICO opening date.
Recently, OpenLedger ApS signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with ViewFin, the developers of Metaverse – the first public Blockchain in China. The resulting partnership has made it possible for the OpenLedger DEX to offer all tradable ViewFin products and tokens exclusively, from day one of each ICO, on an international level.

The last ViewFin tokens offered by OpenLedger, ZenGold (ZGC), sold out within 8 hours of release on the OpenLedger DEX.

The ZENDAO markets are as follows:

  • Bitcoin (BTC):
  • ETH:
  • Entropy (ETP):
  • BitShares (BTS)
  • SmartCoin bitUSD:
  • SmartCoin bitCNY:
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