Potcoin launches mobile wallets for Android and iOS


Potcoin, a cryptocurrency focused on the legal cannabis industry has officially announced the launch of its Potcoin mobile wallets for Android and iOS.
However, the PotWallet app is currently available only to Android users. You can download it directly from Google Play Store – PotWallet. The Potcoin team said they are looking for an OTA (over-the-air) distribution solution for all iOS users. Once implemented, the official link from where you can download for iOS devices will be released.
The team said, “We have had some setbacks with Apple as they currently do not recognize Potcoin as an accepted digital currency for the App Store. We are in constant discussion with them to get Potcoin accepted on the store in order to open up to future developments and adoption.”
“This is a great milestone for Potcoin as it facilitates adoption and makes the process of getting into Potcoin much easier. PotWallet mobile app makes Potcoin portable and easy to use and accept for merchants and customers. With our easy one-tap pay system, using Potcoin has never been easier.”
Potcoin is traded at two primary exchanges in Poloniex and Bittrex, the latest market stats as of April 12th show:

You can view below the Potcoin roadmap for 2017:

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