Alpha of EIP-4337 standard crypto wallet Stackup now available

Alpha of EIP-4337 standard crypto wallet Stackup now available

Stackup, a smart crypto wallet created by a team of crypto evangelists and technology veterans, is now available in its alpha version. The wallet incorporates interoperability, bundled transactions, a social recovery mechanism, and gas-free USD-nominated transactions into an EIP-4337 standard wallet.

From investing in Avalanche protocol and exchanging tokens at Uniswap to acquiring NFTs on Opensea, Stackup facilitates transactions through a single wallet.

A feature that benefits Stackup users is its social recovery tool. Stackup enables users to add guardians to their wallets. A guardian could be a friend, family member, institution, or even a smart contract.

While users can choose their guardians, the individual guardians won’t have any control over the wallet. This way it will be impossible for any individual guardian to exploit their privilege, but collectively, they will serve as a bulletproof layer of security for the wallet owner.

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