Polkadot smart contract platform Moonbeam integrates Chainlink

Developers on Moonbeam can now use Chainlink oracles with solidity smart contracts on Polkadot Parachain...

Polkadot smart contract platform Moonbeam integrates Chainlink

PureStake, the company developing the Moonbeam smart contract platform, has completed an integration of Chainlink into the Moonbeam TestNet environment. This integration brings Chainlink’s oracle functionality to Moonbeam, enabling developers to build smart contracts using any external data resource—all without leaving the Polkadot ecosystem.

The initial integration includes the deployment of Chainlink’s widely used Price Feeds on Moonbeam, giving dApps access to the largest collection of on-chain market data backed by secure, reliable, and already live decentralized oracle networks.

Chainlink is the most widely-adopted oracle network on Ethereum and an essential DeFi infrastructure component. By deploying Chainlink to the Moonbeam TestNet — and eventually, to its Kusama and Polkadot parachain deployments — new protocols launching in the Moonbeam ecosystem will have built-in access to Chainlink.

As a TestNet integration, projects are able to:

The integration of Chainlink Price Feeds on Moonbeam provides developers with a multitude of key features needed for DeFi applications, including:

“Moonbeam has quickly become a destination for Solidity projects that want to easily expand to Polkadot,” said Derek Yoo, CEO of PureStake and head of the Moonbeam project. “The integration of Chainlink’s decentralized technology adds significant functionality to our smart contract platform and gives developers immediate access to secure and reliable price data for their DeFi applications.”

Since Moonbeam was designed as an easy on-ramp to Polkadot with complete Ethereum compatibility, the existing Chainlink smart contracts were able to be deployed to the Moonbeam TestNet without the need for refactoring or changes. This is made possible by Moonbeam’s additional support for Solidity smart contracts that goes beyond the EVM to include Ethereum-standard tools, account formats, and signatures. Once parachain functionality is live on Polkadot, this will allow Solidity developers to re-deploy existing contracts to the network without hiring new developers or significantly rewriting their codebase.

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