Hydro dApp Store transitioning to mainnet launch


Hydro, an open-source project from Hydro Labs that aims to drive the development of decentralized applications, today announced that its dApp Store has completed testing and is now at the stage where it can move to mainnet.

The Hydro team opened up the dApp store for community beta testing back in October.

“The mainnet switch has been slightly delayed as, just before our mainnet launch, MetaMask announced that they are making some breaking changes. We may have been set back slightly but the announcement coming when it did was a good thing. Coming pre-launch gave us the opportunity to do our due diligence and ensure that we are prepared for when they get around rolling out the breaking changes in December. Otherwise, it would have mean scrambling to release fixes just weeks after launch.”
– The Hydro Team

Notes for Users and Developers

The Hydro dApp Store is an open-source store that acts as a curator of dApps. Project Hydro, with the help of the community, will maintain the source code for the store, but it is not responsible for individual dApps or forked dApp Stores. This means that it is up to each dApp developer to determine when the time is right to move their individual dApp from testnet to mainnet. Further, if there are bugs found within a dApp or if wanting to make enhancements, then it is up to the individual developer to make those adjustments.

The initial v1 launch of the dApp Store was all about the minimum viable product and educating developers. Mainnet v2 will be about user adoption and increased utility.

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