Crypto project PIVX releases brand new, next generation wallet

The newly released PIVX core wallet GUI is now open source

Pivx Core Wallet

Today, the PIVX project released a brand new core wallet, the major development originates from open-source Pull Request (PR#954) on the PIVX GitHub. PR#594 comprises over 5 months of extensive work by PIVX core developer Furszy, in collaboration with the design and development team of Krubit, with the aim to make the most advanced and user-friendly wallet in the market.

The completed work brings an entirely new UI/UX flow for the wallet, and the addition of new functionalities (front-end and back-end). The design and build were made to be in-line with what was envisioned in the design phase along with community feedback.

This wallet design is planned to be included as part of PIVX core v4.0.0 that is targeted for release before the end of Q3 2019. The PIVX team said to expect the compiled testnet binaries sometime next week so users can test and contribute more feedback. These unofficial testnet binaries will be available for all OS desktops.

New PIVX Core Wallet Feature List

New startup screens:

New Dashboard screen:

New stakes chart:

New top status bar:

Two brand new themes:

Newly designed Send screen:

Newly designed Receive screen:

New Contacts screen:

New Privacy screen:

New Masternodes screen:

New Settings screen:

New Notifications

Visit the PIVX GitHub for more information on this release.

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