Parity Fether desktop wallet now available on Ethereum mainnet


Parity Technologies, the blockchain infrastructure provider, has announced the release of Parity Fether v0.3-beta. This is the first release available on the Ethereum Mainnet.

Parity Fether is a desktop wallet available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Unlike any other wallet, it connects to the blockchain in a decentralized manner using a light client, with no third party server relaying the information the wallet displays or sends. As a result, user transactions cannot be censored and there is no risk of server downtime.

Furthermore, Fether is now a taskbar application: it can be accessed from the tray icon and it is meant to run in the background. It will quietly and swiftly sync the blockchain to be ready anytime you need it.

Although the user interface has received many small improvements to remain clear and easy to navigate, most changes in this version can be found under the hood. Those interested, can find the list of changes on GitHub.

Now with Fether, users can:

  • Create an Ethereum account
  • Import an account from a recovery phrase or a JSON
  • Connect an account from Parity Signer
  • View and send ETH and ERC-20 tokens from any of these accounts

All of this is achieved without relying on any third party server or service other than the Ethereum nodes you will connect to.

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