OAX DEX releases software development kit (SDK)


The team behind OAX, a project building a decentralized exchange protocol, has announced the availability of its software development kit (SDK). The release coincides with the recent release of the OAX DEX platform to the Rinkeby testnet.

This SDK allows the user to interact with the DEX platform using its built-in command line interface, or developers can use the provided API to integrate it into a UI or their own applications.

The OAX team has already published the OAX client as an NPM module. For installation instructions, refer to the Github repository.

The OAX Foundation recently deployed the OAX platform layer 2 solution on the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet, which performs over 1,000 TPS.


The current version of NodeJS (v11.9.0 at time of writing).

Below you can see a video demonstrating the installation and use of the client:

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