Coinmine launches preorder for PoW cryptocurrency mining device and wallet

Today, Coinmine launched the presale for its flagship product that simplifies and automates the process of making and maintaining crypto hardware and wallets. Coinmine replaces the need for several different DIY hardware and wallet solutions with a single plug-in crypto device and mobile app, powered by a proprietary operating system.

Coinmine’s operating system, MineOS, makes it possible to run different types of networks on one device, including Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Monero, and Zcash. With automatic updates, MineOS will also give access to new crypto networks like Bitcoin Lightning, Grin, Dfinity, and Filecoin.

The device enables users to participate in Proof-of-Work (PoW) currency mining, and control the whole process from their phone. Users can switch which coin they are mining whenever they like or add additional Coinmine Ones to their account.

Debut device, Coinmine One, combines several hardware solutions into one personal device

To get started, users plug in the device, open the app and choose the crypto network they want to power. From there, the Coinmine mobile app controls and keeps track of Coinmine One’s activity from anywhere. Users can see how much crypto they have earned, change to another crypto or add additional Coinmine devices to their account from an easy-to-read, centralized dashboard.

“Crypto is not just about buying and selling magical internet coins. It’s about people combining computation to decentralize the world’s money and information from the hands of a few and into the hands of the many. We made this easy enough for anyone to do.”

Farb Nivi, co-founder and CEO of Coinmine

Product Specs

Coinmine One:

Mobile App:


The company is backed by Coinbase Ventures, Social Leverage, Wonder VC, Arrington Capital and angel investors including Balaji Srinivasan, Brian Norgard, Anthony Pompliano, Ryan Hoover, Josh Jones, Penelope Linge, and Tom McInerney.

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