OpenNode onboarding merchants for bitcoin Lightning Network processing

OpenNode, a new protocol developed for bitcoin payment processing on the Lightning Network is now launching. Lightning enables merchants and users to transact bitcoin instantly with almost zero fees — allowing bitcoin to be both a store of value and an efficient medium of exchange.

By bridging the technical complexities of the protocol with an intuitive workflow, OpenNode believes paying with bitcoin will become easier than paying with a credit card. To be inclusive of all businesses, OpenNode arrived at one pricing model: the first $1500 in a month of revenue is free, anything after that is 1%.

OpenNode is for all businesses

All of the OpenNode tools and features are built around the idea that using bitcoin should be easy and empowering for both merchants and customers. This means moving away from traditional models that create a barrier to entry with high transaction fees or complicated technical integrations.

Features include:

The OpenNode team said:

“We’re a group of Lightning Network explorers, designers, and bitcoin developers, passionately creating tools which will help catalyze bitcoin’s network growth and accelerate adoption. We understand that product accessibility designed around sound user experience will greatly expedite this process. We’ve worked on projects encouraging bitcoin adoption for several years; including our current contributions to one of the first-ever lightning network wallets, Zap. In sharing OpenNode, we want to push deeper by ensuring businesses of all sizes and backgrounds, can take advantage of all that bitcoin has to offer.”

Current Roadmap

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