Mexican bitcoin exchange Bitso gets prices integrated on Reuters


Bitso, a Mexican-based bitcoin exchange announced that the various cryptocurrency markets the company supports (BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, and BCH) are now available for consultation on information platform Thomson Reuters Eikon.

The Bitso team stated, “the increasing interest of our users and financial institutions for the Bitso market and the cryptocurrencies, has motivated us to create an alliance with Thomson Reuters Eikon, with Bitso being the financial information provider of cryptocurrencies for the Mexican markets.”

Through the integration, the profile of Bitso can be consulted and a series of RICs (Reuters Identification Code) with information on available crossings has been assigned.

The following Mexican Peso markets can now be viewed, with the price coming from Bitso.

  • BTCMXN = BTSO (Bitcoin-Mexican Peso)
  • ETHMXN = BTSO (Ethereum-Mexican Peso)
  • XRPMXN = BTSO (Ripple-Mexican Peso)
  • LTCMXN = BTSO (Litecoin-Mexican Peso)

Plus the following non-Mexican Peso based markets:

  • XRPBTC = BTSO (Ripple-Bitcoin)
  • LTCBTC = BTSO (Litecoin-Bitcoin)
  • BCHBTC = BTSO (Bitcoin Cash-Bitcoin)

The app that concentrates all the information available from Bitso within Eikon can be consulted from the Search Book using the words BTSO or BITSO.

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