Since launching last year, the crypto platform IDEX has been gaining popularity among users looking for a friendly decentralized exchange with a range of options. Today, Aurora DAO, the creators of IDEX gave new updates on the exchange.
The team said that they are currently implementing a new smart contract in order to support newer ERC token standards. For this, Aurora has engaged Hosho, a leader in blockchain security for the 3rd party audit. The aim is to ensure the new contract is as secure as the current contract.
Additionally, the large number of users who have signed up on IDEX will soon see an overhauled UI based on extensive consumer feedback to improve the trading experience. Aurora also gave some updated statistics stating that IDEX has added over 20k new users in the past two weeks alone, which now makes it the most popular decentralized exchange for crypto. IDEX currently ranks in the top 60 of all crypto exchanges according to CoinMarketCap and is averaging anywhere between $8–12 million in daily trading volume. IDEX too consistently ranks in the top 10 for ETH contracts by transaction count (and actually held the #1 spot last week).
Latest Development and Administrative Updates:
– Added four new engineering resources, in the process of onboarding two more to assist with growing development needs
– Refined the method of serving pending transactions and balance history to reduce server load
– Increased server profiling to help quickly identify functions contributing to performance bottlenecks
– Added more indices to its databases to improve the speed of order operations, other performance improvements based on profiling findings
– Fixed a Metamask error preventing some users from unlocking their wallets
Customer Service
– IDEX has added several new dedicated support staff to provide 24/7 support for both its Telegram and Live Chat outlets. They will be able to assist users with common platform issues, transaction inquiries, and more.