Gnosis beginning prediction market app developer challenge

Gnosis, the decentralized prediction market platform built on Ethereum this week will begin Gnosis X, its recently announced recurring challenge inviting developers to build custom prediction market apps on Gnosis. Throughout this year, the team will be announcing different categories for prediction market use cases, with the first ones being released during the next few weeks. The best application per category will be rewarded with GNO worth of $100,000.

The Gnosis team is looking for dApps that strive to aggregate relevant information and carry a clear value-add for the designated category. Preferred applications should also be easy to use and have an appealing UI. To get you started coding quickly, Gnosis will provide developers with a kit containing everything needed for a prediction market application.

Gnosis’ prediction markets aim to drive change in a number of important global markets, including finance, insurance, and information discovery, the team stated:

“The range of use cases for prediction markets is huge—and we certainly won’t be able to leverage its full potential on our own. Thus, our aim is to provide a level playing field for developers, creators, and businesses building customized dApps on top of the Gnosis platform. We’d like to build out a strong, independent, and yet supported developer community that may ultimately turn Gnosis into the most powerful forecasting tool in the world.”

The applications will be reviewed by Gnosis’ CEO Martin Köppelmann, CTO Stefan George, and a team of business and blockchain experts. In the future, Gnosis also plans to involve its own developer community to take part in evaluating the different projects.

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