DIW Token Upcoming ICO – The Data Breach Solution


DIWtoken.com is proud to announce its ICO at the Whitelist stage, the earliest ICO stage, where individuals are welcome to participate at the lowest pricing. DIW’s unique concept plans to solve global security vulnerabilities regarding private data including Identification documents, Bank details, Login details and healthcare records via the introduction of a Secure Digital Vault.

Data Breach Issues
All aspects of human life, including business and government affairs, are directly affected by the exchange of digital data. The stability and security of our global system are constantly threatened by data breaches.

World Wide Reaction
Multiple hacks have distributed millions of individuals’ personal data, leading people to be concerned on a daily basis. Industry professionals are also becoming increasingly weary regarding the effect these data breaches may have on the reputation and perception of their businesses. Governments also face data breach issues, the FBI recently warned that ‘advanced persistent threat’ cyberattackers are increasingly targeting sensitive information.

A Real Concern
Recent data shows that a shocking 60 data records per second have been stolen since 2013.
This trend will continue to worsen as time passes unless fundamental changes are made.

Cryptocurrency Development
In a period of just 12 months, the total market cap of all crypto currencies has seen an increase of 1700%. There is a catch, cryptocurrency is only used as a currency within the crypto community and not in everyday life. It is evident that there is a major need for crypto currency to be widely accepted. To begin to bridge this gap cryptocurrency needs to be accepted by the global retail sales leader – e-commerce.

The DIW Solution
DIW plans to bridge and solve both aforementioned issues with the introduction of its global, blockchain-based, decentralized network complete with its own ecosystem and currency.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNhMpqJAQHo[/embedyt]


To access the network, members will be provided with a Secure Vault, where they will be able to store their entire ‘Digital Life’ including documents such as:

• Identities
• Passports
• Financial
• Contracts
• health records
• login details and much more

Organizations and individuals around the globe will be able to join in and exchange their services in the form of a Global Directory. The network will ensure that their identity is validated and their details accurate. Transactions will be completed with full transparency and all network members will be able to see each member’s real-life performance in the form of a rating score.

The DIW token will be used and accepted throughout the network for transactions between its members, enabling higher security. Additional security services such as a digital contract-based escrow service will also be offered.

DIW plans to introduce its own Payment Gateway that will be easily integrated with e-commerce websites accepting both fiat as well as cryptocurrencies enabling theutilizationn of crypto currencies in everyday life.

DIW’s Phases
DIW plans to proceed with its project in Phases based on the funds invested.
• Phase 1 will feature the introduction of the secure digital vault
• Phase 2 will introduce the Payment Gateway
• Phase 3 will include the development and deployment of the DIW Global Directory
• Phase 4 will introduce a paid Escrow Service in the form of smart contracts along with other services
• Our vision is for DIW to encompass this sector by enabling the encrypted storage and secure sharing of personal Electronic Health Records between account holders and healthcare professionals.

DIW’s Crowdfunding
DIW plans to go forward with a crowdfunding that will enable the development of the project. Information regarding whitepaper release, whitepaper and roadmaps will be disclosed gradually within the upcoming weeks.

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