G2A.com gaming marketplace teams with Crypto Voucher


G2A.COM has added a brand-new product to its marketplace – the Crypto Voucher, a voucher that can be exchanged for cryptocurrencies and added to a cryptocurrency wallet. Thanks to this addition, both experts and newbies will now be able to easily and quickly invest in cryptocurrencies.

G2A is a global digital marketplace which specializes in gaming products with over 12 million users. It is headquartered in Hong Kong but has offices in various countries including Poland, the Netherlands, and China.

G2A.COM customers can buy Crypto Vouchers on G2A Marketplace and then redeem them on G2A.COM’s partner site cryptovoucher.io. There, customers can choose which cryptocurrency wallet to send the funds to, and that’s it! If a customer doesn’t have a cryptocurrency wallet, they will be redirected to a website where they can swiftly set one up. Customers can currently buy Crypto Vouchers for 25, 50 or 100 euro.

“Bitcoin is breaking popularity records left and right, but investing in it is still complicated and time-consuming,” explains Piotr Stanio, Head of VAS at G2A.COM. “With our user-friendly marketplace and cooperation with cryptovoucher.io, we can change that by letting customers buy bitcoins in just a few clicks.”

Cryto Vouchers can only be exchanged for Bitcoin at present, but other cryptocurrencies, such as Etherum and Litecoin, will be added in the future.

Thanks to blockchain technology, which sends and stores network transaction information, it is impossible to steal, counterfeit or issue a dual cryptocurrency. This is one of the reasons why Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, has recently reached record-breaking highs. One BTC is currently worth over 12 thousand USD (state as of 6 December 2017).

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